End of Evangelion (original Japanese dub watched in a theater for review for maximum cool guy points)

I might’ve embraced this even more if it leaned harder into madness. “End” does all the “necessary” things to serve as a better finale than the show earned, but it is obvious that everyone involved is so in love with its horrifying and at times abstract imagery, they might’ve been better off going full arthouse from the jump (then again, the show did that and that’s how we got a “replacement” finale to begin with, so what do I know). Love it or hate it, it’s undeniably unforgettable and a fittingly horrific way to conclude this part of the saga.



Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (English dub watched for review)


Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995 TV series) (Netflix dub watched for review)