Umaga vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship (Last Man Standing), from WWE Royal Rumble 2007 (revisited)

I dared to wonder if this was as good as I remember. The years haven’t been kind to plenty of art, and WWE have had plenty of matches more technically sound than this. That said, they haven’t had a monster mash quite as good as this (the main event of SummerSlam 2017 came close). Cena is, well, Cena, but this should’ve been a starmaking performance for Umaga, simultaneously conveying his own monstrous power while making Cena’s offense against him feel valid. The truest sign of this match’s success: San Antonio were kind of on John Cena’s side by the end.



Loki (Glorious Purpose)


Umaga vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship (Last Man Standing), from WWE Royal Rumble 2007