Mappy (version found in the Switch port of “Namco Museum Archives Volume One” played for review)

“A police mouse trying to recover goods from a gang of mice” isn’t the worst pitch I’ve heard for an arcade game, and while the layout suggests “Flicky”, actual play is slightly more thoughtful than that title. That said, it wears out its welcome fast enough that one likely only spent one quarter per session on this title. The rules are just obtuse enough to be annoying and the enemy AI feels random, sometimes effectively cornering you and sometimes spending most of a round on the other side of the map. Not as bad as many other forgotten arcade “classics”.



Mappy-Land (version found in the Switch port of “Namco Museum Archives Volume Two” played for review)


Mankind / Mick Foley vs. The Rock for the WWF Championship (Empty Arena), from WWF Halftime Heat 1999