Legally Blonde (2001 film)

Reese Witherspoon had already starred in several critical darlings that ensured she would be a player in Hollywood for some time, but it wasn’t until this movie that she became a star. “Pleasantville” and “Election” didn’t live or die on her performance, but “Blonde”, by dint of being far less complex and far more focused on one character’s arc, demands an actress that can make something of a pedestrian premise, and surprise, Witherspoon is good at acting. In fairness, the script also does a fine job of keeping this low-stakes hero’s journey engaging, pre-9/11 naivete notwithstanding. Worthy of a franchise.



Letterkenny (Season One)


Adam Cole vs. EC3 vs. Killian Dane vs. Lars Sullivan vs. Ricochet vs. Velveteen Dream (Ladder Match) for the NXT North American Championship, from WWE NXT TakeOver: New Orleans