Kenta Kobashi vs. Mitsuharu Misawa for the GHC Heavyweight Championship, from Pro Wrestling NOAH Navigate for Evolution 2003 Night Nine (revisited)

For as much as wrestling purists like to build up this match, I went into this viewing trying to understand how it would come across to someone unfamiliar with the history of the two workers. Newbies would no doubt appreciate the frightening falls each men endure and understand this is basically the last big singles match they’d ever have, but I imagine they would question the point of the rest holds and be lost at a few moments that recall previous encounters. I’m not saying this is anything less than a great match, but some better matches require no homework.



Ms. Marvel (Crushed)


Holy Demon Army (Akira Taue and Toshiaki Kawada) vs. Kenta Kobashi and Mitsuharu Misawa for the All Japan World Tag Team Championship, from AJPW Super Power Series 1995 Night Fifteen