BurgerTime Deluxe (Game Boy version)

I’m sure licensing games for your dinky online game service can be expensive and the hoops you have to jump through are more arduous than the average joe could imagine, and I wouldn’t be surprised if so many of these draconian deals were written while the Berlin Wall was still up. That said, why this? Who asked for this? Why is this here before “Pokemon” and “Mega Man V”? The game is functional and even fun at times, but the baffling nature of this pick for Switch Online looms long over how I feel about this game. Why, oh, why.



My House (Doom 2 WAD)


Dynamite Kansai and Mayumi Ozaki vs. Manami Toyota and Toshiyo Yamada (Two Out of Three Falls) for the WWWA Tag Team Championship, from AJW Dream Slam 2