British Bulldog (Davey Boy Smith) vs. Bret Hart for the WWF Intercontinental Championship, from WWF Summerslam 1992

Whether one prefers this or their later bloody brawl at an In Your House is a matter of personal preference, but there's no arguing this has the greater spectacle. Hart and Bulldog (mostly Hart, actually) milk Whembley for all their worth, stirring them to a fever pitch while telling the story of Hart whittling away at Bulldog's stamina while Bulldog tries to look for the right counter to all of Hart's tomfoolery. It's a story of rest holds actually meaning something, helped by it going about half an hour and the crowd being fully on board with what's going on.



Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin, from WWF Survivor Series 1996


Breaking Bad (Season One)