Black Mirror (Arkangel)

"We will hurt you. And we are not sorry. But we do not do it to punish you. We do it to redeem you, because we love you. One day you'll thank us for it." -Remiel, "The Sandman"


"Arkangel" hurts because we can see ourselves in the eyes of its protagonists. You were a kid, once; don't look now, but you're becoming your parents. There's is a tension that simmers long past its boiling point but nonetheless concludes in strong fashion with one of the series's best climaxes. Time will tell if this is Foster's eureka moment as a director.



Black Mirror (Bandersnatch)


Yuko Miyamoto vs. Takashi Sasaki (Scaffold Death Match) for the BJW Death Match Heavyweight Championship, from the Big Japan show held on March 14, 2007