Aunty Donna’s Big Ol’ House of Fun (Season One)

I’m far behind on what’s considered the television landmarks of the year such as “City So Real” and “I May Destroy You”, but I have no qualms of referring to this as one of the medium’s high points of the year. It’s easily the funniest season of television since the second season of “Review”, marrying wonderful absurdism with razor-sharp execution to make a comedy with a hit rate on par with the established classics. One must stretch to find complaints with it (though, fine—it’s only six episodes). Easily the best thing Netflix has added to its service this year.



Teamwork (Austin Aries and Bryan Danielson / Daniel Bryan) vs. Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin), from ROH Fueling the Fire


Attica (2021 film)