Abbott Elementary (Season One)

Have your purposeful undertones, your well-meaning messaging, your developing characters and relationships, but for the love of God, if you don’t like conveying humor, don’t write a comedy. I assume the lack of humor (or, indeed, entertainment) in this season is a choice rather than incompetence as many of the people working on both sides of the camera here have shown off their chops in other projects, which might be worse than them failing their jobs due to inability, come to think of it. Parts of this were horrible and other parts were merely awful, but it was always execrable.



Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins / Tyler Black vs. Roman Reigns and The Rock (I am not recounting the winning stipulations; if you want to know, ask your mother), from WWE WrestleMania XL Night One


Dino Danshoku vs. Yuki Ueno for the KO-D Openweight Championship, from DDT Heatwave Over Flowers 3