TwinBee (NES version)

“Twinbee” is a cute-em-up! Get it? Because of saying it is a shoot-em-up, I put the word “cute” in there! Because it has an adorable aesthetic! I mean, it is also a shoot-em-up, but why be accurate with phrasing when I could fall right in with the marketing and say “cute-em-up”? Alas, it’s a vertical shooter on the Nintendo Entertainment System that doesn’t rock the boat. It’s functional but hardly inspired, the sort of game you can have fun with for five minutes before switching it off and comfortably forgetting it exists. The NES is full of games like this.



Marriage Story (revisited)


1987 Team Gold Combo (Manami Toyota and Toshiyo Yamada) vs. Dynamite Kansai and Mayumi Ozaki for the WWWA Tag Team Championship, from All Japan Women (AJW) St. Final Battle 1993