Oldboy (2003 film)

If you know anything about “Oldboy” without having seen it, you’ve either had the big action setpiece or its biggest plot twist spoiled for you, and on top of that ruining the shock of those scenes happening, they combine to paint a picture of a film that’s wholly unlike what “Oldboy” actually is. It’s not an action film with a tasteless twist but a stunning, beautifully-shot rumination on revenge tales anchored by a lead performance for the ages. Provided you have the stomach to take some gruesome imagery, you owe it to yourself to experience this story in this format.



Kenny Omega vs. Kazuchika Okada (no time limit, best two out of three falls) for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, from New Japan Dominion 2018


Olaf Presents (review consists of bits from user-submitted reviews on Google, edited for brevity and entertainment)