Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (Switch version) (over fifty hours played for review, somehow)

The matches I get online are “the other guy has seven hundred hours in Smash Ultimate and the match feels sweaty for no reason” and “seven-year-old who wanted to play with his favorite cartoons and has no idea he’s about to get just completely annihilated”. The fundamentals of a great game are here, and overall play is acceptable if you’re not a stickler for presentation, but that presentation has been so skimped on to reveal that much of the target audience ARE sticklers for presentation, meaning you’re playing an ugly game hardly anyone is playing. This cost me fifty dollars.





The Nexxus vs. Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Edge, John Cena, John Morrison, and R-Truth (Survivor Series style rules), from WWE Summerslam 2010