KENTA / Hideo Itami vs. Mitsuharu Misawa for the GHC Heavyweight Championship, from Ring of Honor Glory By Honor VI Night Two

Samoa Joe and Kobashi had a twenty-minute finishing sequence of a match two years prior that served as acceptable fanservice while also tearing down the house to such a degree that it still gets love today. This one, however, is novel for being one of Misawa’s few trips to the United States. Outside of that novelty, KENTA is most of the reason this is watchable, doing more to convey Misawa as a legendary figure than Misawa does. Perhaps this was born out of necessity (Misawa was visibly out of shape), but whatever, the bear danced and the people loved it.



Aja Kong vs. Manami Toyota (first round match in the V*TOP Five Star Tournament), from All Japan Women’s Wrestling Big Egg Wrestling Universe


Kill Strain