Kent State: Four Dead in Ohio

You’d think there would be more media dedicated to talking up the time the National Guard shot at peaceful protestors and students, if only to ward off the haunting phrase “those who cannot remember the past…”. Indeed, “haunting” is the best word to describe “Four Dead” as Derf Backderf frames the event and the days leading up to it as a horror story, where the distorted depictions of humanity unsettle long before the violence happens. I kind of wish some of the framing was less hammy (Backderf seemingly LOVES dramatic irony), but this is otherwise pretty damn close to flawless.



KENTA / Hideo Itami vs. Bryan Danielson / Daniel Bryan for the ROH World Championship, from Ring of Honor Glory By Honor V Night Two


Ken Anderson vs. Kurt Angle (Cage Match; escape is the only win condition), from TNA Lockdown 2010