Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue (version found in the Switch port of The Cowabunga Collection played for review)

Perhaps fearful that the low-scale hijinks presented on a small screen can’t match up to the bright lights of the arcade (which: hey, at least one of these handheld titles wasn’t worse than your average quarter muncher), “Radical Rescue” changes things up as a brief Metroidvania, one where the lack of intuitive signposting and surprisingly brutal difficulty is supposed to be made up for with that you can beat it in less than two hours. It’s fun and interesting, but if you’re the sort who puts games down for a while, you’ll probably forget where you’re supposed to go next.



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection (Switch version)


Chainsaw Man (Dog & Chainsaw)