El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Mike Bailey, from Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) Joey Janela’s Spring Break 7

By the usual standards of both wrestlers, this was just okay. They basically traded off their big moves like they would if this was simmed in Fire Pro, though with noticeable (slight, but noticeable) instances of miscommunication, including one hurricanrana that looked more like a powerbomb. Also, if Bailey is trying to hint at a heel character in this fed after the Masha match, he’s being too subtle about it, especially considering, you know, the Masha match. By the standards of the average wrestling match, this was better than most and a lot of fun, though hardly a MOTY candidate.



El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Laredo Kid, Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) Presents Gringo Loco’s The WRLD on Lucha


WWE WrestleMania 39 Sunday