
The epitome, at least for me, of how a change in format can drastically alter how a work is perceived. As a console game, played on a PS4, “Downwell” falters, its gameplay loop too simplistic and repetitive even by the standards generated by its retro aesthetic. As a mobile game, however, the quick time it takes to reach a fail state combined with the rudimentary controls mean it works as something to kill time without taking up too much of your time. That’s probably not working as a ringing endorsement, but mobile games typically struggle to hit that sweet spot.



Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl (January 2023)


Kaoru Ito and Mariko Yoshida vs. Tokyo Sweethearts (Manami Toyota and Mima Shimoda) for the WWWA World Tag Team Championship, from AJW Zenjo Brightest 1996 Night 23