DIY (Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa) vs. The Revival / FTR (Dash Wilder / Cash Wheeler and Scott Dawson / Dax Harwood) for the NXT Tag Team Championship, from WWE NXT TakeOver: Toronto

The best tag match WWE has hosted in at least ten years. The angles going in (this is a rematch and DIY’s last chance at the belts, with a potential heel turn if Gargano takes the losing fall) makes the result impossible to call, and the tight nearfalls, any of which we’d buy as the finish, keep building the tension to a fever pitch. The technical aspects of the wrestling are beyond reproach, while the evolving story of the Revival outwitting the young’uns to stay above water makes these twenty minutes fly by. This is why I still watch wrestling.



black-ish (Hope)


AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels for the TNA X Division Championship, from TNA Unbreakable