Divergent (2014 film)

“Plot Hole: The Movie” asks us to accept quite a bit about its stupid, stupid society. You take a test to learn where you should go, then you get to choose where you go anyway, then you take more tests to see if you belong where you should. Fail, and you become homeless because shut up, you do. Maybe this would’ve been fine if it had either been post-apocalyptic high school, a mindless fun action film in which Triss stormed the White House, or an even split instead of the mishmash we get. Thank goodness the leads bring the goods.



Do Fixer (Dragon Kid, Genki Horiguchi, and Ryo Saito) vs. Blood Generation (CIMA and Speed Muscle (Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi)) (Dragon Gate tag rules), from Ring of Honor Supercard of Honor

