Candy Okutsu, Cutie Suzuki, Mayumi Ozaki, and Sumiyo Toyama vs. Devil Masami, Dynamite Kansai, Hikari Fukuoka, and Hiromi Yagi, from the JWP event held on March 25, 1995

JWP, at its peak, could be counted on to deliver with their multi-women matches, and while this couldn’t hope to reach the standard set Thunder Queen Battle, this was a hell of a lot of fun in its own right. The evolving storylines surrounding power struggles, the unique one-count fall ruleset, Dynamite Kansai hating everyone, and Cutie Suzuki working overtime as the babyface in peril all make for over half an hour of action that felt less than half its length. I wish this would have built to a proper crescendo to cap off everything that came before it, though.



Nocturnal Animals

